Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dagen Wayne

Last Friday, my friend Kristin took Dagen's pictures at McMillian Park. Kristin was able to get Dagen to pose just perfect for all the pictures. They turned out so good!!! I loved them all. It was so hard for me to decide which ones to post. These were just a few of my favorites:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dallas's Last Ballgame

Last night was Dallas's last ballgame for the season. Dallas has really improved this year. Derek & I are so proud of him..The park gave each child a medallion.. Tyson hosted a team party for the kids. Each child was given a trophy. Dallas was so excited!! He actually wanted to sleep with his medallion around his neck last night.

Throw me a good pitch Mr. Scott!!

Strike 1

A Proud MOM

Gracie, Gage , & Dallas having fun before the game!!!

Coach Brandy giving Dallas his medallion.

I am so proud of my trophy! Thanks Tyson

I love watching my Bubba play ball!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Outdoor Fun!!!!

Over the weekend, the boys and I had a blast playing on the waterslide!!! We played on it for about 3 hours. We were all exhausted about 4:00 that afternoon.. Dagen is not big enough to climb up the ladder by himself yet, but he tries so hard..

I will soon get the hang of this!!!!

I love this waterslide!!!

Check out my Goggles

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dagen & His Nanny

I love for Harley Anna to spend the night with us. She is such good HELP... She helps me clean the house, fold clothes, and helps so much with the boys... For her to be only 10 years old, she is VERY independent. She and Dagen get along real good!!! She takes up so much time with him. He could be in the worst of moods, but as soon as he sees her his little face lights up!!! This may be hard to believe, but they have some of the same ways. We pick on Harley Anna and tell her that she is Dagen's Nanny.Thank you Harley Anna for everything you do... We Love U.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


On Saturday, Derek, Dallas, PJ & I got up at 3:00 am. We were headed to Hebert LA for the 2009 Marango Swamp ATV ride. We had look forward to this 4-wheeler ride for a while. We arrived about 7:30.. Jeff, Kristi, Briant & Kimberly were waiting on us when we got there.. We were ready to get MUDDY & HAVE FUN!!!! We rode about 1 mile and a piece in the transmission went out. Jeff had to pull us back to the truck... Needless to say, it wasn't a pleasant ride home.

Derek has a 2008 Articat ATV.. It is not even a year old!!! Thank Goodness it is still under warranty. I had been joking with Derek that he should have bought a Honda... When we were leaving the ride, several guys started hollering "should have bought a Honda." I thought it was hilarious, Derek was very aggravated.....

To brighten up everyone's weekend, we went to Geyser Falls on Sunday.. Nana, PJ, Harley-Anna, Dallas, Dagen , Chloe, & I arrived about 2:00. The kids had so much fun!!! This was Dagen's 1st time to go. He loved it!!! The water was still a little cool... I think the Creaky Leaky is Dallas's favorite area. Dagen's favorite is the Little Squirts!!!

Dallas clowning around

Dagen splashing the water

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dagen's 1st Haircut

Dagen getting his 1st haircut by Maw Maw.. He did really good at first!! Then, he decided he wanted to get down and play with his toys.. He looks like a different child!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Blaine's Birthday PARTY!!

This past weekend we helped Blaine celebrate his 5th birthday party at Golden Memorial State Park in Walnut Grove... The kids fished for a long while.. Dallas had the best time.. He loves to fish! We brought PJ along with us for the trip!!

Waiting for a BITE......


I have a good idea what I am getting Dallas for his Birthday!! A pirate ship.

Dagen turned 1

I can't believe my baby turned 1 on May 23. This photo was taken just a few minutes after Dagen was born. He has changed so much.. Where did the time do?

We celebrated with a barnyard PARTY at our house!!! The kids had a blast.. It rained the whole time, but it didn't slow the kids down any... Dagen's favorite part was eating his cake.. He made the biggest mess! He loved it..His cake turned out so cute!! Maw Pam & Maw Maw made it for him! Believe or not, Dagen started crying when it was time to open his presents. He wanted to play in the rocks...

(left to right) Chloe, Maggie, Ethan, Dagen, Harley-Anna, Sara, Kimberly, Briant, PJ, Dallas, & John David... They all decided to put on their bandanas for a CUTE picture!!!!
