Thursday, July 30, 2009


I want to apologize for not posting lately. I have been so BUSY. I know that isn't a very good excuse. SORRY!! I am going to try an update since my last post. The first week in July Dallas and Dagen took a real bad stomach virus. They were both sick for a solid week!!! We finally managed to get over that!! However, we did have a Great 4th of July! Nana & Papaw had a cookout for lunch. The food was SO good. Paw Tim & Maw Pam had a crawfish boil that afternoon. All the kids got to swim, we even got Paw Tim in the pool. Derek & I love CRAWFISH, we both ate way too much. We definitely enjoyed ourselves. Later that night, we headed to watch the fireworks at the casino. The boys really enjoyed them. Dagen would point up at the sky the whole time and squeal. It was the sweetest thing!!

NANA & PAPAW enjoying lunch

Huntley-Kye's 1st 4th of July Celebration

I love my NANA's Cooking!!!

Dallas grinning from ear to ear!!

Dallas clowning in the pool @ PAW and MAW's


Dagen with his favorite car float!!!

Paw Tim feel asleep before the FIREWORKS started!!! LOL

Katie, Ricky Paul, and Taylor came to visit with Maw & Paw for a few days. We all got together one night to let all the grand kids play. All seven kids had a blast! They went swimming, roasted marshmallows, and eat watermelon. It was sad to see the kids leave. They are VERY special children!!

Maw helping Dagen roast marshmallows!!

Taylor Bug

Ricky Paul


We have made several trips to Geyser Falls this month. Uncle Russie, Aunt Martha, Maggie, PJ, Harley Anna, Chloe, Nana , Dallas, and I went last Friday. Dallas was so excited that he got to go on the mat ride. In order to go on this ride, you have to be 42 inches tall.. Dallas finally made it!! Dagen didn't go this trip. He is just not quite old enough to really enjoy it!!! I know next year will be a different story! This will be our last weekend to go! That is right Geyser Falls closes Sunday afternoon for the year.

School is around the corner. Please pray for me! Dallas is starting kindergarten at Edinburg on August 6. I know this is going to be very hard on him and me, too. He doesn't adjust to change well at all. I hope everything goes easier than I am thinking it will.
