Friday, August 28, 2009

Brotherly Love & Dallas's B-day Party @ School!!!

Last Sunday afternoon, the boys had the best time playing outside with each other. Dagen is at the age now that he can really hang in there with Dallas. Check out these pictures that I made while they were riding the 4-wheeler. I thought these were the sweetest pictures!!!!

On Wednesday, Dallas had his birthday party at school! I found out that Dallas was the youngest student in kindergarten, which was no surprise to me since his birthday is August 30. He is doing really well on his classwork. The only problem he is having now is TALKING!!!

I have to tell you a funny story. Here goes, I received a sad note home in Dallas's backpack one day this week. It said Dallas was talking during class & not listening!! When I ask Dallas about it, he began to tell me the reason he got in trouble!! He said that he needed to tell the teacher something really really important, but she told him to wait for a minute!! When I asked him what was so important, he said " I just wanted to tell Mrs. Mooney that my Daddy shot two bobcats." I thought that was so funny! Kids will say the darnest things!!! Here are some pics from his party:

Dallas eating his cupcakes!!

Dallas and Mrs. Mooney!!!

Dallas and Mrs. Wooten

Dallas and Jaress

Dallas will be having his Pirate Birthday party at our house on Sunday. I will try and post some pics on Monday. Check back soon.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who is this little fellow!!!

Can anyone guess who this is? That's easy! Dagen Wayne. This is want he does for fun while he is at home... He pulls every dish out of the cabinet then climbs in. He has become the little bully at Mrs. Darlene's house. Last week, I think he got in trouble twice for hitting the other kids. Surely, not my little sweet angel!!!
Dallas is doing GREAT in school!! We are so proud of him.. He is doing really good on his school work. One Day, he came home and told me that he told Mrs. Mooney that she looked SO Pretty. I thought what a little FLIRT!!! I guess his gets that honest since his last name is JOHNSON.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

1st day of School!!

Dallas started his 1st day of kindergarten today... He did really good. We are so proud of him. We had to leave our house around 6:30 to make sure he didn't miss the bus.. He caught the bus with Briant which worked out really good.The bus arrived around 7:00. Dallas was so excited about finally getting to ride the bus.. He jumped on and waved to us like he had been riding forever.. This was so so sad... I can't believe my baby is starting school. Derek & I cried all the way to Edinburg.
When he arrived at the school, we were there waiting on him. He teared up a little bit when we were about to leave, but I think he was just nervous.. The only complaint the teacher had about Dallas on his 1st day was that he loved to TALK. He gets that Honest!!!
Here are some pics of Dallas's 1st Day of kindergarten:

Dallas watching TV

Dallas getting on the school bus!!!

Dallas waving to Mama & Daddy!! How Sweet!!

Dallas coloring a Barney Picture!! Did I mention that he sits at a table with ALL girls!!

Dallas coloring a pretty picture for Mrs. Mooney!!

Sara's 1st day of kindergarten!! She is so Cute!
